Last Chance: Sign Up for the Client Counseling Competition!

This is one final reminder to sign up for the 2017 ABA Client Counseling Competition: today (December 2) is the last day to sign up! The competition will be on Saturday, January 14, 2017. Teams of two conduct an initial interview with a fictional client and address the client’s legal (and non-legal) needs. The teams must, among other things, build a relationship with the client, determine the client’s goals, and consider options available to the client.

This competition is open to all Akron Law students (including 1Ls). Find a partner and sign up today!

Teams can sign up at the front desk of the administrative suite in the law building or online here: 2017 Client Counseling Sign-Up (or

Winners of the local competition on January 14 will advance to the ABA Regional Competition in February. If you have questions or if you are looking for a partner, please contact Dean Fuller.