Deadline extended to Wed. April 5th (after spring break):

Applications are now being accepted for the Con Law student fellowships.  Fellows work with the director of the Center for Constitutional Law at Akron, Prof. Tracy Thomas, on research, programming, and public education.  Projects include, but are not limited to, research for scholarly books and articles (both legal and historical archival work), leadership of student discussion forums, developing content for social media, and working with community partners. More information about the work of the Center generally is available on the website at


Fellows are expected to devote five hours per week to the work of the Con Law Center for the entirety of the school year. Research work for the Center will be compensated, while the other work for the Center of public education and programming is volunteered as part of the fellowship experience. The Con Law Center will select three to five students to serve as fellows in the next academic year.  Interested students should send a current resume and letter with an explanation of interest in the con law fellowship to Professor Tracy Thomas at by April 5, 2017.