New Addition to Fall 2017 Course Offerings: Copyright Law with New IP Center Director

Dear students interested in copyright law, intellectual property, art, music, publishing, software, or creativity:

I want to let you know that we’re now offering Copyright Law this fall on Tues/Thurs 1:15-2:45PM. This was not on the original draft Fall 2017 schedule, but I strongly encourage you to consider taking this course this fall.  The reason for the change is that we’ve recently hired Prof. Ryan Holte as the new Director of the IP Center. We’re excited to welcome Prof. Holte to the Akron Law family!  He is a terrific professor and he’ll be teaching Copyright Law this fall.

Please remember that Copyrights can be taken without taking IP Fundamentals *or* you can take both courses concurrently.  It’s a wonderful class and you’ll be sure to learn a lot and have a good time.  If you have any questions about the schedule, please feel free to contact Misty Franklin.   If you have questions about the IP certificate, Copyright Law, or anything else related to IP, feel free to contact me.  – Dean Vacca  (