It’s Super Bowl Week! Sports and Entertainment Law Society is selling Super Bowl Squares!

For those of you who don’t know how Super Bowl Squares work here is a quick explanation:

Super Bowl Squares is a 10X10 board with 100 squares each box corresponds with a number from 0-9 that will be randomly chosen after all 100 squares are filled. There will be an opportunity to win a percentage of the money at the end of each quarter.

SELS will be selling each square for $5. In order for this to work however we will need to fill all 100 squares!

If you are interested in participating please contact Haley Hunnewell, Lindsey Harrison Madgar,  Justin Powell, Amanda Najjar, or Natalie Rothenbeucher before Friday February 2nd! Even if you aren’t rooting for either team this is a great way to find some enjoyment out of the game!

Disclaimer:  This is a fundraising event for SELS, a portion of the funds collected will be kept by the organization.