Spring 2020 Exam Schedule now Posted

The Spring 2020 Exam Schedule is now posted in the Law School Student Resources Brightspace Page under Exam Schedules and Forms.

Important Reminders – Spring 2020 FINAL EXAMS: 

  1. Special Exam Accommodations – If you are registered with the Office of Accessibility and wish to utilize your recommended accommodations for your final exams you must complete the Special Exam Accommodations Form located on Brightspace under Exam Forms, and submit it to Director Misty Franklin, no later than April 17, 2020.
  2. International Student ESL Exam Accommodation Request – If you are an international student wishing to utilize the ESL Exam Accommodations for your final exams you must complete the ESL Exam Accommodation Request Form located on Brightspace under Exam Forms, and submit it to Professor Willa Gibson, no later than April 17, 2020
  3. Exam Reschedule Request Form – An examination conflict exists if two examinations are scheduled at the same time or three examinations are scheduled within 24 hours. Part-time students who have schedule examinations on both the first Wednesday and the first Friday of exam period, and full-time students who have three scheduled examinations between the first Wednesday and Friday of the exam period are also granted relief at their option. Other exceptions to the schedule will only be granted in extreme circumstances.A student who wants to reschedule an exam based on this criteria must submit an exam reschedule form to the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs by April 17, 2020. The form is located on Brightspace under Exam Forms.