2021-2022 SBA Executive Board Elections

Good afternoon! The election for your 2021-2022 SBA Executive Board is open! Elections will close on Monday, April 12th at 12:00pm. Make sure to be logged into Google with your school @uakron.edu email, i.e. dck24@uakron.edu

Please select your Executive Board (President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer) using this link: https://forms.gle/mdL6LAkbfjnxVzZu9

For the 2L and 3L Class Representatives election, please check your emails for the separate link to vote.

For election-specific questions, please email Vice President Dan Kosich at dck24@uakron.edu. All other SBA inquiries may be directed to the Constitution or to SBA@uakron.edu. Good luck to all the candidates!