SBA – Cavs Game – February 25, 2011

The Student Bar Association is organizing a trip to cheer on the Cleveland Cavaliers during their historic run as the NBA’s worst performing team of all time. If ever there was a team that needed our help, it’s the Cavs.  If ever there was a time to watch a basketball game, it’s NOW…or February 25 against the New York Knickerbockers.

This sounds great! How do I get signed up?

Answer: There will be a sign-up sheet on the SBA bulletin board.

When/Where/How do I pay?

Answer: No later than Thursday February 17. The tickets will cost $20. We accept cash, cash, and cash. If you don’t have cash you can pay in cash. Please, submit an envelope with your name and small, unmarked bills totaling $20 to the SBA Office or any SBA Exec Board Member, except for Arash. I repeat: DO NOT give Arash any money.


We will only be able to go on this trip if 20 students sign up and pay by Thursday February 17.