Tickets Available for the Akron Bar Professionalism Awards Dinner honoring Howard Walton

The School of Law has purchased tickets for the Akron Bar Professionalism Awards Dinner honoring Howard Walton.  This event will be held at Greystone Hall on Tuesday, October 18th, with the reception beginning at 5:30 followed by dinner at 6:15 p.m.  Tickets are free and are available on a first-come, first-served basis.  If you would like to attend the Dinner, please contact Sue Staats ( or 330-972-7246).  Please indicate menu selection:  chicken, salmon, vegetarian.

Message from Associate Dean Matejkovic

Good afternoon.  We have a few open seats at Akron Law’s table for tomorrow’s Akron Roundtable XTRA.  The speaker will be Ohio Governor John Kasich.  The luncheon will be held from 11:45 a.m. – 1 p.m. at the Quaker Station.  Complete details may be found at  Tickets for Akron Law’s table will be given to students on a first-respond, first-served basis.  If you’d like to attend, please e-mail Sue Staats ( in the Office of External Programs.

Furniture in Law Basement

Please note that all furniture (with the exception of the wooden tables and chairs that are in place as study tables) is surplus Law School property. This furniture is either being held for future Law School use, or is awaiting pickup by University Special Services to be delivered to Surplus Property. Students are not to use furniture (other than above noted wooden tables and chairs) for any reason, without first contacting Anthony Colucci in the Law Dean’s Office. Often, furniture is damaged, and is being disposed of for a reason. Please use only the tables and chairs that are available for your use.

Office/Work Space Moves at Akron Law


To allow for enhanced efficiencies as related to work spaces within the Office of External Programs, the following office moves are in process and will be completed by the middle of this week.  Listed below are the room/desk assignment areas for those staff members whose work areas have been relocated.  With the exception of Joel Holt’s office which is now located in the Career Planning and Placement suite off of the atrium, all other offices/work spaces referenced below are located within the Dean’s suite area.  While their phone extensions remain unchanged, I am noting the extensions below for your convenience.  Any questions, please let me know.

Career Planning and Placement
Barbara Weinzierl: move to 136C (x5320)
Joel Holt: move to 132 (x8540)

Carolyn Mehl: move to 136I (x8327)
Kristina Floyd: move to 136V (x6219)

Events Coordinators
Michele Novachek: move to 136D (x6363)
Sue Staats: move to 136D (x7246)

LAA Director and Part-Time Annual Fund Coordinator
Norma Shaub: move to 136B back desk (x8619)

Graduate Assistants
136B front desk (x6794)

Fall 2011 Class Schedule – Ignore It Until We Say Otherwise

To the Law School Student Body:

On Monday March 14, the university will make the fall schedule available for review  by students, although students will not be able to begin registering until March 25. We understood that the release date would be March 21, a week later, but the university needs to release the schedule for New Student Orientation Week, and it cannot withhold our part of the schedule.

For various reasons related to the university’s new campus-wide class scheduling system, the law school’s ultimate schedule is certain to differ from the schedule that will appear on Monday. We will advise you when the schedule has been finalized.

Accordingly, you should ignore the law school fall class schedule as posted by the university until we tell you otherwise.

Thanks, and have a great Spring Break!

Bill Jordan

Associate Dean and C. Blake McDowell Professor of Law

University of Akron School of Law