Fall 2011 Class Schedule – Ignore It Until We Say Otherwise

To the Law School Student Body:

On Monday March 14, the university will make the fall schedule available for review  by students, although students will not be able to begin registering until March 25. We understood that the release date would be March 21, a week later, but the university needs to release the schedule for New Student Orientation Week, and it cannot withhold our part of the schedule.

For various reasons related to the university’s new campus-wide class scheduling system, the law school’s ultimate schedule is certain to differ from the schedule that will appear on Monday. We will advise you when the schedule has been finalized.

Accordingly, you should ignore the law school fall class schedule as posted by the university until we tell you otherwise.

Thanks, and have a great Spring Break!

Bill Jordan

Associate Dean and C. Blake McDowell Professor of Law

University of Akron School of Law

Transition from Cooling to Heating

Please note: We’ve received the following email explaining the temperature variances some of you may be experiencing.

      Physical Facilities Maintenance Personnel are in the process of transitioning our systems from Summer Cooling to Winter Heating. This changeover process includes:  turning off the chillers, winterizing cooling coils, and adjusting the thermostats from 74 degrees to 68 degrees. During this transition our customers may experience some variance in building temperatures, however, Physical Facilities Personnel will make every effort to expedite this process in order to minimize any inconvenience. The changeover is estimated to be completed prior to November 11th.

Commencement Regalia

If you plan to march at commencement, and have not yet purchased your regalia – please do so as soon as possible. Regalia can be purchased at the Polsky Bookstore.

If you intend to borrow regalia, you must turn in the hood to Anthony Colucci in the Dean’s Office no later than April 23rd with your name attached.