Fall 2009 ExamSoft Download Deadline

As a final reminder, the download period ends tonight at 11:59pm.  Please make sure you download all of your exams before then if you have not done so already.  As always, there will be no excuse for claiming to be unaware of the deadline.  If you have any questions, please email law-support@uakron.edu or visit http://www.uakron.edu/law/technologysupport/cs-examsoft.dot

ExamSoft Fall 2009 Finals Student Download Period

The period for students to download the exam files for their Fall 2009 finals is quickly upon us.  The download period will run from Monday November 16th to November 25th.  We strongly recommend that you do not wait until the final days to download.  Please also remember that you must have the current version of SofTest downloaded, installed, and registered.  Once this is completed, you then must download the actual exam files.  If you have any questions, please visit the below website or contact Law IT at  law-support@uakron.edu.  Please remember there will be no exceptions for claiming to be unaware of the download period.
