Examsoft and OS 10.12 Sierra

At this time Examsoft does not officially support MacOS 10.12 Sierra.  If you have the OS installed, they will not allow you to download your exam software.  Please hold off on the update until it is officially supported.  If you have any questions, please contact law-support@uakron.edu.

Swipe Card Access at Central Hower is Now Active

The swipe card reader on Door #1 at Central Hower is now working.  (It is on the left set of the main central entrance doors.) The doors are unlocked between the hours of 7am and 6pm Monday through Friday.  Outside of those hours, you may use your ZipCard to gain entry.  Either of the doors to which the swipe card reader is connected will open.  If you have any access issues with your ZipCard when using this reader, please contact Jackie Davis at jmw93@uakron.edu for assistance.

Group Study Rooms Available in Bierce Library

Bierce Library (centrally located on campus, directly between Central Hower and the Student Union) has a total of 39 group study rooms.  The rooms are available for individual or group study.  The maximum capacity for most of the rooms is four students but about six of the rooms will accommodate 6 or more students.

The group study rooms at Bierce are not locked, so anyone can go into a room that is not occupied.  Bierce has an online booking system for their group study rooms,  Each student is permitted to reserve a group study room for up to 6 hours per day.  The rooms can be reserved in 30 minute blocks.  The booking system will allow students to book rooms in advance for the whole semester although students do have to book each room a day at a time.

Since the study rooms are not locked sometimes someone else will be using a room that has been reserved.  When that happens the student who has reserved the room can ask the person to leave or they can go to the circulation desk and ask a member of the library staff to ask the person to leave.

Here is a link to the web page with information about the group study rooms at Bierce:  http://libguides.uakron.edu/studyrooms.  The web page includes the links the students can use to book the rooms.  These rooms are available to any students on campus.

Many thanks to Kyle Passmore in the Law Library for providing this information!

Law Technology Support Updates

Hello Everyone!

I just wanted to give everyone an update on our locations and hours.  Our desk at the law school will remain where we are presently located on the second floor of the old law library.  When the suite opens up downstairs, our room number will be 130.  Our new service window will be where the faculty/staff lounge used to be.  Our secondary location will be in Central Hower in room 301.  Below are our hours for the two locations which are subject to change due to student availability.

Law School:

Monday – Thursday        8:00am – 10:00pm

Friday:                                  8:00am – 5:00pm

Central Hower:

Monday:                              11:00am – 1:00pm and 2:30pm-7:00pm

Tuesday:                              9:00am – 10:30am and 3:30pm – 7:00pm

Wednesday:                      11:00am – 1:00pm and 2:30pm-7:00pm

Thursday:                            9:00am – 10:30am, 1:00pm – 3:00pm, and 3:30pm – 7:00 pm

Friday:                                  11:00am – 5:00pm

We will still have the same telephone number (x5119) and the same email address (law-support@uakron.edu).

Law School Softball Team — Wilson’s Warriors

The Law School is looking to have a co-ed softball team this summer.  Dean Wilson will lead the charge and Prof. Spring will help with the administrative functions.    Games will be on Tuesdays.    There is one division available, with games times either 5:30, 6:30 or 7:30pm. The University Intramural Office requires teams to be available to play at any of those times – playing times will vary week-to-week for teams, to allow for different opponent match-ups. We need a big group of potential players due to vacations, conflicts, etc.

The Intramural Office strictly enforces its rules and someone cannot just show up and play.  If you want to play you need to be on the roster and meet the eligibility requirements (set out below) by May 25, 2016.

If you want to play please email gspring@uakron.edu and indicate your relative level of experience.  All eligible law students are welcome.  We have been competitive (the league isn’t that good) with a mix of talent and experience in the past.  It is good fun that is very collegial and it is hoped that we will have plenty of participants to field a team.  The eligibility standards are:

  1. a) Students enrolled in summer classes, in at least one on-campus (1) credit in any academic summer session(s).
    b) Students not enrolled in summer classes, but who have purchased a full SRWS Membership for the summer.
    c) Students not enrolled in summer classes, but who are returning for Fall 2016 credits (and were also previously enrolled in Spring 2016) who purchase a Summer Intramural Pass for $5 from the SRWC Front Desk.
    d) Full-time Staff/Faculty.


NOTE: Students who graduate May 2016, or incoming students new to UA for Fall 2016, are NOT be eligible to participate.