Fall 2014 Exam Schedule

The final examination schedule for Fall 2014 is located at:


As with every year, we took the final class lists and compared enrollment in every exam class with the enrollment in every other exam class. Based on that, we determined the number of conflicts between each class. We then scheduled the largest classes with the most graduating seniors as early in the examination period as possible, to permit them to be graded by the Monday after exam week, which permits us to meet the graduation deadline and to award honors accurately.

We will redistribute the exam schedule once room assignments are set. For any exams which require the use of multiple rooms we will also update and stagger the starting times.

The resulting exam schedule is the best schedule for spacing out exams for the vast majority of students. Inevitably, however, a few students have course loads that result in their individual schedules being less than optimum. This is unavoidable given the wide range of courses each student takes.

Conflicts: An examination conflict consists if two examinations are scheduled at the same time or three examinations are scheduled within 24 hours. Part-time students who have examinations on both the first Wednesday and first Friday of exam period, and full-time students who have three examinations between the first Wednesday and Sunday of exam period are granted relief at their option. Any student permitted to reschedule should do so with a full-time faculty member whenever possible. It is the students’ responsibility for contacting the faculty to make alternate arrangements.

Reschedule for Unexpected Illness: Students who are ill may contact the professor to reschedule an examination BEFORE the time of the examination. Once a student sits for an examination, the student must complete that examination and receive that grade. Examinations that are rescheduled due to conflict or illness must be rescheduled within exam period to the earliest available time. If illness prevents rescheduling during exam period, the examination must be scheduled no later than the start of the next semester. Students who cannot reschedule an examination before the next semester should consult with the Associate Dean or Assistant Dean of Students Services about a leave.

Testing with Accommodations: Please visit:


Room Availability During Exam Week

In an effort to provide more study space for students, we are making available to you the times that each of our classrooms is available for your use. There will be no official process by which you will be able to reserve these rooms, and availability is subject to change without notice. Additionally, if you choose to study in one of these rooms, please be out by the time it is marked as unavailable (blacked out). If needed, the Dean’s Office may need to ask you to leave a classroom at any time.

Please note: This is informational only. We will not reserve classrooms for study use. If you find one that is available and empty, you are welcome to use it. You must, however, vacate the room in plenty of time before it is marked as unavailable.

The sheet for each room will also be posted at the door of the classroom, and every effort will be made to update the sheets posted at the door. The copy that is posted here will not be updated, so please defer to the sheets posted at each door.  Please click on the link below to view the room availability sheets.

Exam Time and Study Time availability sheets

Final Examsoft Reminder

Just a reminder about the following download deadlines:

ALA with Professor Reeves:  Ends 5/10/14

All other exams: 4/28/14

Here are some things to remember with the software:

  1. There are a default of 10 questions on every Examsoft exam file that you download.
  2. Do not leave the room after your exam until you receive the screen that has the green check mark congratulating you on a successful upload.
  3. Be sure to have your computer’s power plugged in.
  4. PC users will not have to input their student ID when starting an exam.  However Mac users will.
  5. Show up to your exam at least 15 minutes early.

If you have any questions, please contact law-support@uakron.edu.