Summer 2013 Exam Room Assignments

Summer 2013
Exam Rooms

FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 2013

Property I – Professor Lee
6:15 P.M. – L-151
6:30 P.M. – L-152

Basic Business Associations – Professor Anderson
6:30 P.M. – W-210

Secured Transactions – Professor Gibson
6:30 P.M. – L-165

Wills, Trusts & Estates – Professor Newman
6:30 P.M. – W-206
If overflow is needed use W-209 also.

Summer Exam Accommodation Need

TO:                  Law Student Body

FROM:            Ivy Banks, Director of Student Services

SUBJECT:      Special Exam Accommodations

Please notify me in the Dean’s Office, c/o College Programs Specialist Misty D. Franklin, if it is necessary for you to have any special exam accommodations for exams.  You must notify the Dean’s Office no later than:

Fall Exams – First Week of November
Spring Exams – First week of April
Summer Exams – One week before the end of Session

Please use the form on the next page of this memo.  We will review all special exam accommodations for the term, make exam arrangements and notify students before the last instructional day of room assignments and arrangements.  Please keep in mind that your exams will be held on the same day as the schedule exam, unless otherwise noted.


 If you do not already have documentation in the Dean’s Office, please submit a medical excuse from your attending physician with your response/request for a temporary, one-time accommodation. 


Students with permanent disabilities must be registered with the University’s Office of Accessibility.  Contact information for that office may be found at:


 If you require accommodations for special exam assistance, please complete the information on the next page of this document.  Please be specific about the accommodations you will need given a particular exam format (e.g., a reader and time and a half – multiple choice; a computer and double time – essay format).  This specific information, along with the documentation about your disability, which may already be on file in the Dean’s Office, will allow us to make informed decisions about the accommodations you need.

YOU  MUST  FILL  OUT  THIS  FORM  EVEN  IF  YOU  HAVE  RECEIVED  SPECIAL  ACCOMMODATIONS  IN  PREVIOUS  SEMESTERS.    Should we not receive your request by the deadline date, we will assume you have no accommodation needs for this exam period.

c:            Elizabeth A. Reilly, Interim Dean
               William S. Jordan, Associate Dean



 (Please return to Law Dean’s Office, c/o College Programs Specialist Misty D. Franklin)

 Student’s Name________________________________________________________________

 Mailbox # ________________          Email address ___________________________________

 Full-time Student ____          Part-time Student ____         Cell Phone:                                       

 My disability is:         _____  Temporary (medical excuse from my attending physician is attached)


                                     _____  Permanent or Long-Term                                              

                                                            _____  I have registered with UA Office of Accessibility


                                                            _____  I plan to register with UA Office of Accessibility by _________


Accommodations Requested:

 1.   __________________________________________________________________________

 2.   __________________________________________________________________________

 3.   __________________________________________________________________________






Exam Length

Exam Date

and Time

Exam Format













Law Faculty Policy with Respect to Non-take-home-exams

The faculty on April 18, 2013, adopted the following policy with respect to non-take-home exams:

 First, that cell phones (and tablets) must be turned off and put away.

 Second, that headphones may not be used.

 However, it is within the discretion of individual faculty members to deviate from this policy.