Spring 2013 Room Assignments

The Spring 2013 Room Assignments are now posted at: http://www.uakron.edu/dotAsset/04ec8cae-e931-43d0-8c88-d9d865196de0.pdf.  For those courses scheduled to meet in LL301 (Classroom in the Law Library – former computer lab) your class schedule will only read Law.  This is because this classroom is not listed in the University’s inventory of classrooms.  Make sure that you view the classroom posting to know where you are going on Monday, January 14th.  A copy will also be posted in the glass case in the lobby area by the elevators.

Possible class on European Patent Office Practice for Spring 2013

Professor Hornickel has suggested offering a 1-credit class on European Patent Office Practice, to be taught on two Saturdays in January. He indicated that some of you had expressed interest in such a course. Our ability to offer the course depends upon the level of student interest. Please advise Misty Franklin (Misty@uakron.edu) byFriday, November 30, of your interest in taking such a class.

Advanced Constitutional Law – Spring 2013

We announced with the registration material that Prof. Huhn’s Seminar in Advanced Constitutional Law might be offered entirely online. We have now been able to test the online technology to determine whether we can achieve the degree of interaction necessary for this type of course. Prof. Huhn is confident that the technology will work very well. Accordingly, we will be offering the course exclusively online. The time will remain the same as in the registration schedule. Students will participate through their computers. Students will need a strong internet connection, a web camera showing the student, and a headset. We will provide additional information well in advance of the Spring semester.  The course has limited enrollment, but there are still some spaces available.

Possible offering of Patent Prosecution

Several students have asked whether we can offer Patent Prosecution in Spring 2013.  We can offer it if there would be sufficient student interest.  Please advise Misty Franklin, misty@uakron.edu, by Friday, November 30, if you would like to take Patent Prosecution.  We will then check student schedules and determine when we might be able to offer the course.  Note that we might need to offer the course on Saturdays.  If you are interested in the course, please state whether you would take it on a Saturday.

Course Changes – Special Interest to IP Students (also others)

In order to accommodate more students, we have moved the following classes:

Food and Drug Law – taught by renowned Health Law expert, Professor Katherine Van Tassel.

Now scheduled for M/W at 10:45-12:15

Note: FDA Law may be used as an elective for the IP Certificate or LLM

Description: Food and Drug Law

This course will consider the many ways in which society attempts to manage the development, production, packaging and distribution of food, medical technologies and innovative biotechnologies. This course begins with the development of legal rules, both by private and public law, which govern the regulation of cosmetics, food supplements, drugs and devices from laboratory to ultimate use, including the impact of patent law and the law of trade secrets on these legal rules. The course then examines how the FDA uses these frameworks to regulate innovative biotechnologies such as genetically modified food, nanotechnology, cloning, artificial organs, gene and stem cell therapies (among many others). In addition, tort liability in connection with the production/manufacture, prescription, distribution and sale of these products, and the bioethical challenges posed by biotechnologies, will be analyzed.

Legal Drafting: Patent Drafting – taught by experienced patent attorney and teacher, Professor Alvin Rockhill.

Now scheduled for Thursday, 5:10-6:10

New Classes – Some Room Remaining

As you may have noticed, we are offering other new classes, including Law Firm Administration Seminar, Oil & Gas Law, and Animal Law. The first two are full, but there is still some room in Animal Law.

I urge you to register promptly to take advantage of this opportunity.