Elliot A Spoon Business Law Writing Competition

The Michigan State University College of Law Journal of Business & Securities Law announces the release of the 2015 Elliot A. Spoon Business Law Writing Competition. Eligible students are invited to submit a business or securities law article in law review format to jbsl@law.msu.edu by February 20, 2015. All inquiries should be directed to Ashley Byers: jbsl@law.msu.edu. Attached is a flyer with additional details.
Spoon Poster 2015


All first, second and third year law students at Akron Law are invited to participate in the 27th Annual Midwest Public Interest Law Career Conference (MPILCC) to be held on Saturday, February 7, 2014 at Northwestern University School of Law in Chicago. The Conference offers students the opportunity to:
• Interview with a variety of public interest and government employers for summer law clerk and entry-level attorney positions (employers will pre-screen resumes and select students to interview). Though most of the opportunities are unpaid or invite outside funding, there are positions that offer a stipend. Since most of the employers come mainly from the Midwest, students may find positions in the communities they seek to serve.
• Meet with employers during Table Talk, a morning session where employers and students meet informally and share information. Employers may distribute brochures, newsletters and other organizational literature.
• Respond to employer job postings (resume requests) for internships (volunteer or paid), fellowships, and entry level positions. This service is available throughout the school year at the MPILCC Symplicity.com site to students registered for the MPILCC.
Registration and Fees – The University of Akron School of Law will pay the $300 NON-REFUNDABLE registration fee for all interested students to attend the MPILCC IF we have enough student interest to justify the cost. ANY INTERESTED STUDENTS MUST RSVP TO THE CAREER PLANNING AND PLACEMENT OFFICE BY FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28. Please declare your intention to attend the MPILCC by emailing lawcareerplanning@uakron.edu. We will notify all interested students once we determine if the registration fee will be paid by the CPPO. Please note, students will be responsible for their own travel, hotel, and miscellaneous expenses.

Deadline for Stow law firm is Monday, December 1st!

Stow, OH – Law Clerk – Mazurek, Alford & Holliday, P.C.
Overview: There is an opening for a law clerk position for a energy law firm focused on oil and gas title examination located in Stow, Ohio.
Qualifications: 2L, 3L
How to apply: Send Cover Letter and Resume to lawcareerplanning@uakron.edu
Deadline: December 1, 2014

New Externship Opportunity

The Reentry Clinic was recently named one of the top 15 innovative clinics in the country. The clinic has been awarded funding to share its model with other sites across the state. The Reentry Clinic seeks a student interested in doing a credit externship for the Spring 2015 semester. The student who chooses to do the externship will be involved in the following: 1) Traveling to Youngstown, Cleveland, Columbus and Toledo to train and to supervise reentry clinics; 2) Preparing a report to the Ohio legislature on the success of the remedies used in the clinic; and 3) Educating employers on the benefits of hiring ex-offenders. If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact Professor Joann Sahl, jsahl1@uakron.edu.