Akron Law Seeks Smokers’ Cooperation

To comply with Ohio’s Smoke-Free Workplace Law, UA forbids smoking in any enclosed area, including buildings, parking decks and University vehicles.

To comply with the requirements of this law and to help ensure that tobacco smoke does not enter any area in which smoking is prohibited, no smoking is permitted within 25 feet of any entrance way, window or ventilation system of any University building or enclosed area.

The law also requires that the University remove cigarette receptacles from areas on campus where smoking is prohibited.  That means that smokers will have to fully extinguish their cigarettes when done and then place them in receptacles that are located at least 25 feet from the entrance of University buildings.

We ask all smokers to be mindful of the restrictions in and around the building, to be cautious and courteous when discarding cigarettes and to refrain from removing cigarette receptacles from their intended locations.

The designated area smoking for Akron Law is outside our new entrance at the bench located on the sidewalk by the construction fence near the light pillar.