Law School Access

We are in the final stretch of our renovation and our building will be ready for us to enjoy shortly!  If you have not already done so, please make sure that your ZipCard works on the swipe access at Door #1.  You will need to use your Zipcard to gain access into the building outside of our normal business hours of Monday – Friday, 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM.  In an effort to maintain security, we are asking that each student swipes into the building, even if coming in as a group.  We also ask that you be conscious of who you allow into the  building after hours, and remind you that if you are taking evening classes and leave the building to make sure that you have your ZipCard on you to regain entry.

Another reminder for those of you taking evening classes and studying late, security escort to your vehicle is available by calling 330-972-2911.