Important Dates for Summer 2018

Add/Drop Dates
  Intersession I 5 Week One 10 Week 5 Week Two Intersession II
Last day to add without signatures Sun. May 13, 2018 Sat., June 2, 2018 Fri., June 1, 2018 Tues., July 3, 2018 Sun., Aug. 5, 2018
Last day to add with Instructor and Asst. Dean signatures Mon., May 14, 2018 Thurs., June 7, 2018 Thurs., June 7, 2018 Fri., July 6, 2018 Mon. Aug. 6, 2018
Last day to drop without “WD” appearing on academic record Mon., May 14, 2018 Thurs., June 7, 2018 Thurs., June 7, 2018 Fri., July 6, 2018 Mon., Aug. 6, 2018
Last Day to withdraw Sat., May 19, 2018 Fri., June 29, 2018 Thurs., June 28, 2018 Tues., July 17, 2018 Sat., Aug. 11, 2018
Grade Due Dates
Exam Date: Sun., May 27, 2018 Fri., June 29, 2018 Fri., Aug. 3, 2018 Fri., Aug. 3, 2018 Sun., Aug. 19, 2018
    PR: Fri., June 22, 2018      
Grade Rosters Available: Thurs., May 24, 2018 Sat., Jun 30, 2018 Sat., Aug. 4, 2018 Sat., Aug 4, 2018 Thurs., Aug. 16, 2018
Grades Due Tues., June 5, 2018 Thurs., July 12, 2018 Thurs., Aug. 16, 2018 Thurs., Aug. 16, 2018 Tues., Aug. 28, 2018
Grades Posted Wed., June 6, 2018 Fri., July 13, 2018 Fri., Aug. 17, 2018 Fri., Aug. 17, 2018 Wed., Aug. 29, 2018
Transcripts Available Wed., August 29, 2018

3 New Courses added to Fall 2018 Schedule

We are excited to announce the addition of 3 courses for Fall 2018, which are now open for registration:

(77748) 9200:688-002 Legal Drafting for International Practice (2 cr.) w/ Prof. Sarah Cravens.  This course will meet on Wednesdays from 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM

(77751) 9200:684-005 Securities Regulation (2 cr.) w/ Prof. Padfield.  This course will meet on Thursdays from 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

(77747) 9200:805-801 Licensing Intellectual Property (3 cr.) w/ Adjunct Prof. Louis Wagner.  This course will meet on Wednesdays from 6:30 – 9:30 PM.


“I am Evidence”

April is Sexual Assault Awareness month and we have multiple programs and activities happening.  On April 16th the HBO Documentary “I am Evidence” ( will launch.   The documentary I AM EVIDENCE tells the story of four survivors whose rape kits went untested for years, following them as they navigate their way through the criminal justice system and learn that so often, the system is broken. The film reveals the historic nature of the way we treat the crime of sexual assault in this country, and the positive effects that occur when perpetrators are held accountable and survivors are given an opportunity for healing and justice.

We would like to invite YOU to join our viewing party on April 16th at 7:45pm in The University of Akron Student Union 2nd floor Theater.  We will have a panel discussion before the video (including Bertina King Akron Police Investigator, Cindy Bloom Director of Rape Crisis Center) and information tables so arriving around 7:15pm would be best.

Fed-Soc & IPTLA Event on Monday – Professionalism & Technology in the Public Good

Join the Federalist Society and IPTLA for an event featuring Prof. F. Scott Kieff, the former chairman of the International Trade Commission and professor at George Washington University School of Law, with commentary by our own Prof. Daniel Brean. The event is titled “Professionalism & Technology in the Public Good,” and will be held on Monday (April 16) at 4:45 in room 280. Coffee, Lemonade, & light appetizers will be served.

Student Bar Association Elections for 2018-2019

Elections for the 2018-2019 Student Bar Association Leadership are  underway!  All students can now begin the process of determining who the 2018-2019 SBA executive board and class representatives will be. Remember, all students are automatically members of the Student Bar Association; therefore it is important that you are all involved in the process of choosing your class representatives and executive board. Each class (1L, 2L, 3L, part-time) will elect 4 class representatives.  The person who receives the most votes will be appointed the class president.  The executive board is composed of the president, vice-president, treasurer, and secretary.  Your vote is crucial in electing all of these positions! SBA elections are a three-step process:

First, all those who hope to be nominated for an executive board or class representative position on SBA must get at least two nominations (you are able to nominate yourself). Nominations will open on Wednesday, April 11th and will close on Friday, April 13th at 6 p.m.

Second, each individual who receives at least two nominations for a position will receive an email asking if they would like to accept their nomination and run for the position.  If nominated for both a class representative and executive board position, you may choose to run for both.  That way, if you do not win the executive board position, you remain in the running as a class representative.  However, you may NOT run for two executive board positions.  If nominated for more than one executive board position, you will have to chose which one to accept. A student must accept his or her nomination for a position via email or the student will not be on the ballot.

Third, all nominees for President will be invited to participate in an open forum with your classmates on Monday, April 16th at 12:15 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. to briefly discuss why you would like the position and answer any questions from your classmates. The final poll with all of the candidates that have accepted their nominations will open on Wednesday, April 18th. The final poll will close on Friday, April 20th at 6 p.m.

The person with the most votes for each position will win. Each elected individual will receive an email notification and their names and position will be displayed on the announcement blog. The newly elected executive board will be contacted by the current executive board that coming week regarding leadership succession.


Below are the current executive board members and their emails.  Please feel free to reach out to any of us if you would like to learn more about what our position entails:

President: Robbie Starcher – rms191
Vice President: Matthew Aberegg – mra70
Treasurer: Ryan Robinson – rcr23
Secretary: Michael Fredericka – mjf114