Early Start Bar Study Groups & Review for ALA Final

The Early Start Bar Study Groups this week will serve as reviews for the ALA final exam.  All sessions meet in L-325 (unless we get too big for our britches as we did last Sunday, then look for us in 280 or 281)

  • Wednesday 7:00 – 9:00 – Contracts & Negligence (Sorry for the late start- my daughter has an art show from 6-8)
  • Thursday 1:00 – 3:00 – Intentional Tort & Contracts
  • Friday 11:00 – 1:00 – Negligence & Intentional Tors
  • Saturday 10:30 – 12:30 – Contracts & Negligence

Even if you’re not in ALA, you’re welcome to join any of the sessions to get a head start on writing Essays for the bar exam & a refresher on Torts and Contracts!

The goal is for you to be able to spend 3 hours total and review one of each of the kinds of essays that will be on the ALA final.  It is an ambitious goal to work through 2 essays in an hour – but you’re up to it!  (All essays are taken from the Ohio bar exam – and are similar to those on the UBE exam, so they are good practice for anyone thinking about taking a bar exam.)

Next week we drop back to 3 sessions (Wed, Thu, and Sat), and you pick the topics.  I’ve already heard requests for Secured Transactions.


Early Start Bar Study Group & Review for ALA final

The Early Start Bar Study Groups this week (and next week) will serve as reviews for the ALA final exam – and will meet at different times this week  because I have prior commitments on Friday and Saturday.  All sessions meet in L-325

  • Wednesday 6:30 – 8:30 – MPT write
  • Thursday 1:00 – 3:00 – MPT write
  • Sunday 1:00 – 3:000 MPT write

(No Friday or Saturday groups this week)

Even if you’re not in ALA, you’re welcome to join any of the sessions to get a head start on writing MPTs for the bar exam!

We’ll walk through as much as we can get through in 2 hours.  I’ll have a sample answer available so you can check the parts we didn’t get to.

(Next week the sessions will be double sessions – and we’ll write contracts and tort essays similar to those on the final exam.)

Early Start Bar Study & Alumni Panel on the Bar Exam

This Week’s Early Start Bar Study Sessions will be:

  • Thursday 1:00 – 3:00 – Secured Transaction
  • Friday 11:00 – 1:00 – Secured Transaction (same essay as Thursday)
  • Saturday 10:30 – 12:30 – Professional Responsibility

All sessions meet in L-325 – The study group is intended for July examinees – but anyone interested in getting a head start on the bar exam is welcome.

Alumni Panel Discussion on the Bar Exam in ALA

  • (Today) Wednesday L-160 3:00
  • (Tomorrow) Thursday L-140 6:30

If you’re graduating in May, you’re welcome to drop into the class on either day.  Each panel has 4 recent Akron alums  who will share their experiences preparing for the bar exam, taking the bar exam, and the long wait for scores after the exam!

The panels run from the start of class for 2 hours, or until the questions run out.


Early Start Bar Study Group

Welcome to the marathon!  The July 2018 Early Start Bar Study Group(s) will be meeting in L-325 through July 21.

  • Thursday 1:00 – 3
  • Friday 11:00 – 1:00
  • Saturday 10:30 – 12:30

If you’re planning on taking a July 2018 bar exam, or just want a big head start for a later bar exam, you’re welcome to join us.

The study groups are a relatively painless way to get a head start on the 100+ essays you should write to be well prepared for the bar exam.  They are also a good way to start to learn those bar subjects you skipped during your law school career, or to refresh your memory about subjects that you took so long ago that you barely remember them.

No commitment, no advance preparation required, no attendance requirements, pick a day, any day . . . it doesn’t have to be the same day each week.  If you don’t have outlines from your bar vendor yet, I’ve got outlines.  See how easy that is?

This week’s essays:

  • Thursday/Friday:  Wills
  • Saturday:  ACJ (Criminal Procedure in bar lingo)

Questions?  Nancy Reeves – nlr22@uakron.edu – or drop by L-217C


July 2018 Early Start Bar Study: Vote for new day & time – and this week’s sessions

The time slots for the July 2018 Early Start Bar Study Group have been narrowed to 5:

  • Monday 11:00- 1:00
  • Thursday 1:00 – 3:00
  • Friday 11:00 – 1:00
  • Friday 1:00 – 3:00
  • Saturday 10:30 – 12:30

If you are planning to take a bar exam this July, let me know here which day(s) are best for you.  (Ignore the specific dates – we’ll meet weekly until the bar exam, or until the group decides it’s no longer helpful)

(You’re welcome to participate in the poll, even if the bar exam is a bit farther off for you, but I’ll give priority to votes by people only have 130 days, give or take a day, left to study!)

This week’s sessions (L-325):

  • Thursday 1-3:  Evidence
  • Saturday 10:30 – 12:30 – Criminal Law

If the 130 day comment caught you off guard – feel free to join us and get started!  It’s a painless way to start writing essays and refreshing your memory of subjects long-forgotten.