Early Start Bar Study Group

The Thursday group will NOT meet this week (I am out of the office through Friday).

Hope you can join us Saturday at 10:30 AM in L-325!

We’ll do a property essay this week.

All are welcome.

The group is intended primarily as a subject matter refresher, and an essay-writing skills practice for people preparing for the February (or July) bar exams.  But you also might find it useful if you still haven’t quite gotten the hang of IRAC or CRAC, how to use the facts to help sort out which rules to recite, or how to use an outline to help you organize your hypo answers.

Questions (or to be added to the early start website):  Nancy Reeves, Assistant Dean for Academic Success.  nlr22@uakron.edu

Early Start Bar Study Group

Get a head start preparing for the February or July bar exam*!

Weekly study groups on Thursday from 1PM – 3 PM and Saturday from 10:30 – 12:30.  L-325

Drop in to either one.  You don’t have attend same one each week, and you don’t have to commit to coming every week.

We’ll do a torts essay this week.

*You’re welcome to join us even if it isn’t this February or July you are taking the bar exam, and essay structure is pretty much the same everywhere so come even if you’re taking the bar exam in a state other than Ohio.

Questions:  Contact Nancy Reeves at nlr22@uakron.edu.

Bar study group – Today!

1st opportunity to get an early start for the February 2018 bar exam!**

Join either the Thursday afternoon (1:00 PM – 3:00 PM) or the Saturday morning (10:30 – 12:30) study group in L-325.

On the agenda this week:

Creating a custom study schedule.  Once the formal bar prep period starts, your bar vendor will provide you with a detailed study schedule.  If you know you won’t be able to devote full time to studying for the bar exam during those 9 weeks,  you’re mostly on your own to create a schedule.  ASP has a tool, and guidelines, to help you plan – and keep yourself accountable.

Writing a response to Ohio Bar Exam question 6 from the February 2011 exam.  It is a standard contract formation question, ending with an auction question (fairly common).  You can find the question on the Supreme Court website (bottom drop-down box), or on Akron’s Early Start Bar Prep site (let me know if you want access – it has the question of the week + access to multiple choice questions from past bar exams and other resources).

Informal Q&A about bar prep courses.  There are some good deals currently available – IF you are able to make an informed decision in the very near future.  These deals are not so good, however, if you get locked into a course that you later decide isn’t the best course for you.  I’ll hang around at the end of the session in case you have questions that I can answer about how to match your learning styles with the available options.

**You are invited to join the group whether whether you are studying for the February 2018 bar exam, or the July 2020 exam, although it is probably most appropriate if you are planning to take a bar exam in the next year.

Questions?  nlr22@uakron.edu

Facebook:  @akronacademicsuccess

(Early Start) Bar Study Group – Thursday/Saturday

Get an early start studying for the bar exam**!

Join either the Thursday afternoon (1:00 PM – 3:00 PM) or the Saturday morning (10:30 – 12:30) study group in L-325.

On the agenda this week:

Creating a custom study schedule.  Once the formal bar prep period starts, your bar vendor will provide you with a detailed study schedule.  If you know you won’t be able to devote full time to studying for the bar exam during those 9 weeks,  you’re mostly on your own to create a schedule.  ASP has a tool, and guidelines, to help you plan – and keep yourself accountable.

Writing a response to Ohio Bar Exam question 6 from the February 2011 exam.  It is a standard contract formation question, ending with an auction question (fairly common).  You can find the question on the Supreme Court website (bottom drop-down box), or on Akron’s Early Start Bar Prep site (let me know if you want access – it has the question of the week + access to multiple choice questions from past bar exams and other resources).

Informal Q&A about bar prep courses.  There are some good deals currently available – IF you are able to make an informed decision in the very near future.  These deals are not so good, however, if you get locked into a course that you later decide isn’t the best course for you.  I’ll hang around at the end of the session in case you have questions that I can answer about how to match your learning styles with the available options.

**You are invited to join the group whether whether you are studying for the February 2018 bar exam, or the July 2020 exam, although it is probably most appropriate if you are planning to take a bar exam in the next year.

Questions?  nlr22@uakron.edu

Facebook:  @akronacademicsuccess


(Early Start) Bar Study Group

It’s fall – that means it is time to get a head start preparing for the bar exam! 

We’ll start meeting weekly to write practice essays for the bar exam.   We can also do some multiple choice, MPTs,  and work on mapping out a plan to spread your study out through the semester, so your bar prep doesn’t have to be crammed into the 8.5 weeks between late December and February 27.

The study group is also a good opportunity to get your feet wet in subject matter you skipped in law school (corporations, payment systems, etc.).  If you don’t do some advance study, you’ll need to learn it from a 3-hour lecture during bar prep – so it helps to have some advance exposure.

Anyone who ever plans to take bar exam is welcome to join the fun – but the group will specifically focus on the February exam.

Right now – I need your help choosing the best time for those who are interested.

I’ve created a doodle poll using the 4 favorite times selected by my ALA students.  If you’re interested, check in and let me know what works best for you.  (Click once to indicate a time is good, click twice for OK, but not ideal).  Your votes are changeable, so you can go back and shift your vote, if it looks like your first choice is circling the drain.

We’ll start meeting the week of the 24th (or Saturday the 23rd, if Saturday is the consensus time).