Extended Bar Prep – two opportunities today, one Saturday

Extended Bar Prep this week:

All sessions held in L-325

  • Wednesday:  2:00 – 4:00 – Wills
  • Wednesday 6:30 – 8:30 – Professional Responsibility
  • Saturday 10:30 – 12:30 – Professional Responsiblity (We may have to end early – there’s a tournament scheduled in the room at noon.  We’ll talk when we get there)

All welcome!  If you haven’t had a chance to write a professional responsiblity essay and you’re taking the Ohio bar exam (i.e. before July 2020) you will have a professional responsibility essay on the bar exam.

Questions?  nlr22@uakron.edu


Extended Bar Prep – Evidence/New Study Group

This Week:

We’ll write the February 2007, Question 6 Evidence -Hearsay essay on Saturday from 10:30 – 12:30 in L-325.

Evidence is both a multiple choice and essay question on the bar exam.  If you haven’t had a chance to write an evidence essay – now’s your chance!

Next Week:

The topic is Professional Responsibilty.

We’ll have three groups next week.

  • Wednesday 2:00 PM (Room TBD.  This group may tackle a subject other than Professional Responsibility.  If you’re one of the folks who plans to attend, let me know if you have suggestions)
  • Wednesday 6:30 PM
  • Saturday 10:30 – 12:30 PM

Questions:  nlr22@uakron.edu


Extended Bar Prep Study Group

Extended bar prep study group meets this week on Wednesday (6:30 – 8:30) and Saturday (10:30 AM – 12:30 AM) in L-325

The topic this week:  Evidence

The Ohio bar exam includes an evidence essay – so if your exposure to evidence is limited to multiple choice, this week is a good opportunity to practice handling it in an essay!  (Evidence is also one of the potential essays on the UBE)

Mid-day study group:  So far, no consensus on a day.  There are equal votes for  every day (although the votes are more solid for Tuesday – Thursday than for Friday).  Unfortunately, whichever day I select will exclude 3 people who have expressed an interest!  If you voted for only one day, but could attend a different one – please let me know (clicking twice will mark a day, “could attend if I had to.”  If you are interested, and haven’t voted yet, feel free to drop by and cast a vote

Questions?  nlr22@uakron.edu

Extended bar prep study group: Payment Systems

Saturday – 10:30 to 12:30.  L-325

Join us for a 10,000 foot view of commercial paper, to give you a basic understanding of the concepts before we dive into writing an Ohio bar exam essay.

If you’re taking the bar exam in February or July, and you are new to Payment Systems, this is an opportunity for a head start on the very brief romp through Payment Systems that your bar vendor will provide you.  If you’ve taken Payment Systems, it’s a good review – and introduction to the essays you’ll see on the Ohio bar exam.

I’ll post the essay on the Extended Bar Prep BrightSpace page Friday – if you don’t have access, and you’d like acess – let me know.

Questions?  nlr22@uakron.edu

Extended bar prep study group – Con Law this week!

Want a head start on bar prep?  We’re writing Con Law essays this week!

Wednesday 6:30 – Con Law: Due Process – July 2016 Question 2

Saturday 10:30 – Con Law:  First Amendment:  Speech – February 2002 Question 4


If you’re interested in adding a weekday afternoon study group – please vote here (several people have expressed interest)

Questions?  nlr22@uakron.edu