48th Annual Midwest Labor & Employment Law Seminar

 WHAT:                                  48th Annual Midwest Labor & Employment Law Seminar

 WHEN:                                  October 13 and 14, 2011

 WHERE:                                Hilton Columbus Easton Town Center

 CONDUCTED BY:                Ohio State Bar Association (OSBA) CLE Program

 INCENTIVE TO GO!            OSBA will award 2 FULL SCHOLARSHIPS for Akron Law students to attend!


 Please email Assistant Dean Thorpe at LThorpe@uakron.edu to let her know that you would like the law school to consider you for one of those two full scholarships.

 ACT NOW!       The law school must respond on or before October 7.   So, the sooner you respond, the better your chances to receive one of the two full scholarship awards!


USPTO Rebrands National Library Network

USPTO Rebrands National Library Network as Patent and Trademark Resource Centers

Centers to Focus on Electronic Access to Patent and Trademark Information and Training

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) announced that its nationwide network of Patent and Trademark Depository Libraries (PTDLs) will become known as Patent and Trademark Resource Centers (PTRCs) on October 1, 2011. The name change signifies a major shift in focus from the “paper depository” concept to an expansion of access to electronic information and specialized training to meet the information needs of 21st Century patent and trademark customers. 

“PTRCs serve as the face of the USPTO in local communities and promote a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship that ensures that potential filers have the local resources necessary to draw on for support as they begin their quest for commercial success with their intellectual property,” said Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the USPTO David Kappos.

Akron-Summit County Public Library is one of five PTRCs in Ohio, and one of about 80 in the United States.  Librarians assist a variety of customers including inventors, intellectual property attorneys/agents, business people, researchers, entrepreneurs, students and historians.  The Library’s Science & Technology Division employs USPTO-trained librarians to provide customer assistance on the use of the agency’s patent and trademark databases and public seminars on intellectual property topics for novice and experienced users. Some of the activities and services offered are introductory classes in patents and patent searching and in general intellectual property; and Inventapalooza, an all-day educational event for the independent inventor.  Also, the Library has a partnership with a local intellectual property law firm, Frisina LLC, offering a monthly lecture series on entrepreneurship and commercial expansion through intellectual property use.

More information on ASCPL’s Patent & Trademark Resource Center, including a link to a list of upcoming classes and programs, can be found at http://www.akronlibrary.org/internetresources/st/patent.html


The Federalist Society will host David Bernstein, professor at George Mason University School of Law and regular contributor to The Volokh Conspiracy, next Tuesday (10/4) at 1:15 pm in L-152. Akron’s Wilson Huhn will provide commentary on Bernstein’s presentation Olive Garden will be served for lunch. Bernstein will offer a radical new look at Lochner v. New York, the infamous liberty of contract case from 1905. Rehabilitating Lochner: Defending Individual Rights against Progressive Reform, Bernstein’s book on the case, was published this past May and has received significant national attention. Syndicated columnist George Will recently reviewed the book, writing:

“Since the New Deal, courts have stopped defending liberty of contract and other unenumerated rights grounded in America’s natural rights tradition. These are referred to by the Ninth Amendment, which explicitly protects unenumerated rights “retained by the people,” and by the “privileges or immunities” and “liberty” cited in the 14th Amendment. Progressivism, Bernstein argues, is hostile to America’s premise that individuals possess rights that pre-exist government and are not fully enumerated in the Constitution. This doctrine stands athwart liberalism’s aspiration to erase constitutional limits on government’s regulatory powers.”

The Federalist Society is pre-selling Rehabilitating Lochner and You Can’t Say That!: The Growing Threat to Civil Liberties from Antidiscrimination Laws, another popular Bernstein book, in the lounge area at the following times:

Wednesday- 10:30am- 1:15pm
Thursday- 10:00am- 12:00pm
Friday- 8:00am- 9:00am; &12:00pm-3:00pm
Monday: 9:00am-10:00am

Bernstein is offering signed books at a reduced student rate. Don’t miss out!

Dean’s Blog – September, 2011

I’m sure many of you have been reading the series of articles talking about the lack of jobs for law school graduates and also the games that some law schools are playing in exaggerating their employment numbers.   This topic, as you can imagine, has also been a source of numerous conversations by law school deans across the country. 

So, let me try to put this issue in some perspective.  Of the 134 members of the class that graduated in 2010, 91.8 percent reported that they were employed 9 months after graduation.  Of those 123, thirty percent went into solo or small firm practice.  Twenty three percent went to work in government (including judicial clerkships).   One- fourth worked in business and industry.  A few are working in academic settings ( 5%).  A few more are employed in public interest work (6%) and some got jobs in larger firms (6.5%).

So the bottom line is that our students got jobs. They did not necessarily get the jobs they wanted  but they are working and, with a few exceptions, using their legal skills and training.  The average salary for those who reported their salaries is $55,980.  Only about 40% in fact report their salary, so this number may be higher or lower but it does give us a base for comparison with other schools.  And because of our affordable tuition,  our class of 2010 students had a relatively low law school loan debt of $60,149, substantially below the national public law school loan debt for that class of $69,687 and way, way below the national private law school loan debt of $106,249.

These numbers are decent, but we want to do even better.  We have developed great bar prep programs to maintain our status as a school with a top bar passage rate. We believe our community service mandate will allow more networking for future jobs.  I also make a pitch every time I talk to alums and other lawyers that they should be hiring our students.  Our new per hour student research program is also providing needed experience and again networking.  And as we implement our increasingly skills based curriculum, we believe our students will be even more competitive in the law and law-related marketplace.

We do not play games in reporting our statistics on employment.  For example, we do not hire students at specific times to build up our employment numbers.  We push as hard as we can for  full disclosure by our students of their job status. 

But now comes my shocking statement. I do not believe we have too many lawyers. The American people are under-lawyered.  I’m not talking about those lawyers who specialize in boutique practices or serve business or work in government.  I’m talking about servicing the rest of us.  If one is poor or even middle class, one only goes to a lawyer when they have a problem.  They seldom seek a lawyer’s assistance to avoid or prevent a problem.  We must find better ways to make routine legal services both affordable and available.  Have a lawyer check your credit card agreement!  Have a lawyer read your closing documents for your house and then attend the closing!  Have a lawyer prepare your will!  Have a lawyer write that letter to the store owner or government official who is non-responsive or worse!

When I was younger [yes, I was once young], people went to a doctor when they were sick.  They didn’t go for a checkup or diet assistance or even for scrapes, minor injuries or a cold.  But now most people have medical plans and they do.  The concern now is that we do not have enough doctors.

In a recent article in the Economist [September 3, 2011], the editors talked about a recent books that argued that the number of lawyers has been kept artificially low for decades.  Barriers should be lifted; prices for services should go down; alternatives to traditional fee paying must be explored.

I agree. And I believe that present students will fill the gap and provide for the delivery of legal services to the majority and not, as now, the tiny majority.