USG Platform

Unify UAkron

The USG platform for the 2024-2025 academic year is called Unify UAkron. The three pillars of Unify UAkron are focused on supporting students in their academic, professional, and community development. This year, the work of USG will be centered around this platform and its values. The pillars are further explained below: 

  1. Academic Development: Our goal is to empower students to excel academically through programs and initiatives rooted in ensuring students utilize the resources to succeed in their academics. Through this work, we hope to strengthen the relationship between students and their college.
  2. Professional Development: We want to help students in their professional development and prepare them for life beyond college. We strive to foster professional development by supporting student groups on campus (student organizations, athletics, Greek Life) and growing internship and career opportunities.
  3. Community Development: We desire to create a well-rounded experience for Zips living on and off-campus by working to build community among students, as well as outreaching to create programs and initiatives in collaboration with the greater Akron community.