Early Start Bar Study Group

Want an early start on your bar exam study?  Skipped Wills?  Need a refresher on Intentional Torts?  ASP has just the thing for you!

Thursday (11/30) is another double-header.  At the request of those who attended last week, in the normal time slot (1:00 – 3:00) we’ll write a wills essay (February 2017, Essay 11).  In the second slot (3:00 – 5:00) we’ll write an intentional torts essay from February 2013 – question 7 (the same one the Saturday group wrote on the 18th – also similar to one of the essays on the ALA final).

You can find the essays here if you want a sneak preview.

Thursday 11/30 @1:00 (Wills Essay); @3:00 (Intentional torts Essay)

Questions?  nlr22@uakron.edu

Alumni Panel Discussion on the Bar Exam

Alumni Panel Discussion on the Bar Exam   7:15 – 9:30 – Thursday, November 9, 2017 in room L-140.

The ALA class invites anyone who expects to take the February bar exam to join it for a panel discussion.  Famly members are welcome, if you’d like to help them understand the marathon you’re about to start!

The panelists will share their experiences in preparing for the bar exam, taking the bar exam, and waiting for the results.  The students have a variety of experiences:  vendor selection (Barbri, Kaplan, Themis, and Adaptibar); working during bar prep (not at all, part time, or full time),  Exam (February v. July), courses taken (most of the bar track courses – or so not many), and success (passed on the first try – or took two tries).  There will be time for Q&A during and after the discussion.

Panelists include:

  • Brittany Michael ’14
  • Rich Freeman ’16
  • Ivan Petrovic (Fall) ’16
  • Danielle Halachoff ’17 (who will not yet be sworn in as of the panel discussion!)

Please let me know if you plan to attend so I can move the discussion to a larger room, if need be.  nlr22@uakron.edu

Early Start Bar Study Group – Sunday @ 3 PM

The Early Start Bar Study Group is meeting on Sunday this week at 3 PM this week in L-325.

The essay for the week is from the February 2007 bar exam, Question3 – Ohio Civil Procedure.

The study group is designed for people planning to take the bar exam in February or July, but others are welcome to join.  (You’ll all be taking the bar exam at some point, and before then the process of writing a bar exam essay is similar to writing a law school essay.)

Questions?  nlr22@uakron.edu

Early Start Bar Study Group

Want an early start on your bar exam study?  Skipped Secured Transactions?  ASP has just the thing for you!

This week we’ll do a quick overview of the secured transactions concepts needed to write an answer for the February 2013 secured transaction Ohio Bar Exam question, and then we’ll write it together.  You can find it here if you want a sneak preview (bottom drop-down box – look for the February 2013 exam, question 8)

Thursday @ 1:00 or Saturday @ 10:30 AM in L-325.

Questions?  nlr22@uakron.edu

Early Start Bar Study Group – Criminal Law this week!

Looking for a low-risk way to start remembering criminal law for the bar exam.   Perhaps you’re interested in Ohio criminal law trivia, like the tidbit that criminal battery does not exist in Ohio.

The early start bar study group elected to do a criminal law essay this week.  Feel free to join us – outlines are available.  You don’t have to remember anything from criminal law – we’ll flounder around together and figure it out.

We meet Thursday from 1:00 – 3:00 in L-325.

The Saturday group meets from 10:30 – 12:30 in L-201 (Note the different room this week!)

The study group is intended for primarily for people who intend to take the February (or July) bar exam this year.  But it is good general practice for anyone struggling to avoid being conclusory when you do the RA part of IRAC, or to dissect prompts to find all of the facts that have been planted for analysis.

Questions, or for access to the early start bar prep site, contact Nancy Reeves at nlr22@uakron.edu